Allergic and Vasomotor Catarrhal Rhinitis
two conditions are similar so far as the Symptomatology is concerned. The
Vasomotor or Catarrhal rhinitis is attributed to vasomotor imbalance (changes
in the caliber of the blood vessels) and allergic rhinitis to a specific
sensitivity reaction.
cold and coryza is usually communicated from person to person, especially
during sneezing on t. The mucous membrane of either nostril gets inflamed,
primarily by a virus; secondarily by infective organisms, such as, N.
catarrhalis, pneumococci, H. influenza and sometimes streptococci and
staphylococci. Other exciting, local and general causes of the cold are:
ü Chronic infections.
ü Structural abnormality.
ü Overcrowding.
ü Atmosphere with quick variation of temperature.
ü Smoke and Dust.
ü Allergic rhinitis arises from sensitivity to house dust,
pollens, fungal spores, proteins, dandruffs of animals, etc.
ü There is hereditary tendency also.
Ø Both conditions produce triad of nasal obstruction, bouts of
sneezing and excessive nasal discharge which is usually watery but occasionally
thick and mucoid. Some patients suffer from conjunctival irritation with
irritation and watering of eyes. Nasal mucosa is swollen and slightly bluish in
Ø The early symptoms are chilliness, languor, muscular pains and
slight fever.
Ø Stuffiness and dryness of nose and soreness with frequent
Ø Sense of smell and taste may be impaired.
Ø Nasal discharge, which is at watery and profuse, becomes thicker
later on.
Ø Often there is sore-throat, husky voice, dry cough, worse at
night followed by high fever. Ordinary Rhinitis should be distinguished from
allergic rhinitis. The latter occurs at all times of the year, and the former
is due to the nervous of local causes.
secondary affections may cause:
Ø Sinusitis, frontal antrum and sphenoidal.
Ø Blocking of eustachain tubes, causing temporary deafness.
Ø And occasionally bronchitis and even broncho-pneumonia.
Treatment: General treatments
¬ The patient should be put to bed and isolated.
¬ As the nasal discharge of first two days is highly infective,
the linen so used should be disinfected.
¬ The head should be kept warm. Ice and too much cold water
Aconite : At the commencement of the disease when the patient feels that
he is catching colds; dry state and no discharge; the nose id swollen from
congestion; and is try and stopped- up and this stoppage is apt to change from
side to side with a tingling and burning in nose and throbbing frontal
headache; may be sneezing also, better in open air. There might be fever also.
(Camphor is the first medicine to be tried).
Nux Vom: Also at the commencement, when the nose is dry or fluent
throughout the day and stopped up in the evening; rough scrappy throat with dry
cold and constipated bowels. ( Ipecac if the Nux fails).
Arsenic Alb: For winter colds with thin, watery excoriating discharge with a
feeling of nose being stopped-up. Sneezing does not relieve the throbbing
frontal headache.
Arsenic Iodide: (After meals) is
indicated, when burning in nose and throat is marked.
Sinapis N is indicated, when there is dryness and no discharge with head
in nose.
Allium cepa: profuse discharge of bland water from eyes with burning water
from the nose indicates this remedy. Terrible laryngeal cough may also be
presenting some cases.
Belladonna: Headache worse from
mention or lying down; dull pain in frontal sinuses, cerebral excitement and swelling
in throat are the chief symptoms. If recovery from catarrh has been ‘impeded’by
fresh exposure with pain over the eyes (right side) and face flushed.
Sol : The discharge is thicker
and acrid in character and is fully established ans is aggravated in damp
weather. Also when the discharge is thin and watery from tamp, with soreness
and rawness in the nose and throat.
Euphrasia: Indicates discharge of burning water from eyes and bland, thin
discharge from the nose.
Justicia: Stands between Cepa and Euphrasia in cold.
Pulsatilla: Is indicated in the advanced stage of cold, known as “ripe
cold” . The discharge is thick, yellow, mucopurulent and bland. This is
relieved by cool air and aggravated by warmth; or when catarrh results from
cold and the patient can neither smellnor taste, or if catarrh has been checked
by fresh exposure.
Hydrastis: is similar to pulsatilla, but there is more burning, rawness
and constant desire to blow the nose, when cold
has settled at the back of the nose and throat, pulsatilla cold pulse
sneezing requires cyclamen.
Camphor: should be given in the first and initial stage of cold, when
nose is stopped-up and dry, and the inspired air feels cooler than usual. It is
really indicator before Aconite.
Gelsemium: This remedy can break-up a cold. It is indicated when there is
congestion of head, ‘hot ‘ fever, and chillness. The patient is dull and
weak, and chill runs up and down the
back with a watery, excoriating or bland discharge from nose along with
sneezing. Cold brought on by warm relaxing weather especially indicates it.
Natrum Mur: Cold with watery, transparent discharges causing blister-like
eruptions about mouth and nose, which burst and leave thin crusts and scabs.
Entire loss of taste or smell exists (sinusitis). The complains are worse on
going into open air, and exertion; great dryness of posterior nares watery,
clear, frothy discharge from nose.
Sticta pul: Constant desire to blow the nose, though nothing comes out;
stuffed feeling at the root of the nose and dryness of mucous membrane.
Sanguinaria nitrate for acutr colds with sneezing and profuse discharge in
posterior nares.
Bellis P. For exposure to wet and cold, when over-heated; or from
Sulphur: loss of smell from cold,
resulting in sinusitis (loss of taste with cold is Puls, and loss of smell and
taste is Mag Mur.)
Lycopersicum and Acid Sarcolactic are remedies for allergic rhinitis. Pulsatilla, Natrum Mur.
With occasional doses of Bacillinum 200 may cure the allergic form.
Homeopathy medicines helps for common cold and coryza. Its good to consult the
doctor to get symptomatic treatment.
Whom to contact for common cold and
coryza Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar Treats many cases of all types of common
cold and coryza problems, In his medical professional experience with
successful results. Many patients get relief after taking treatment from
Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at Vivekanantha
Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please call
9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to,
For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact
Clinic Consultation Champers at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
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