Abortion - Homeopathy Management
Ø Termination
of pregnancy by any means before foetus becomes viable, that is before 28
Ø We
all should know viability is at 28weeks, where foetus will weigh around
Causes -
- Feotal
factors - Defects in the fertilized ovum.
- Chromosomal
- Maternal
factors- Maternal infections, hyperpyrexia (high fever) can leads to fetal
anoxia and death.
- Viral
infections, rubella, hrpes simplex.Maternal systemic diseases like
diabetes, herpes simplex, toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus.
- Uterine
causes like milder degrees of malformations, cervical incompetence, either
congenital or acquired.
- Immunologic
factors- autoimmune factors are detected in women with History of repeated
Types of abortion
Ø Inevitable
Ø Missed
Ø Complete
Ø Incomplete
Ø Threatened
Signs and symptoms of abortion
- Pains
due to uterine contractions.
- Haemorrhage
as a result of separation of ovum, Dilatation of cervix due to uterine
contractions, expulsion of a part or entire ovum.
Threatened abortion
- Here after a period of amenorrhoea patient complains of slight Colic pain in
lower abdomen associated with backache, frequency of micturation and slight
bleeding per vaginum. Here cervical os is generally closed.
Abortion Homeopathy therapeutics
ü Suddenness
being a keynote, patient will have sudden pains at night, n will have
miscarriage, also has Impending abortion from anger, abortion with pain,
patient will have nervous excitement..Here it could also be due to sudden anger
and sudden worry. Patients will have too much of restlessness and fear too.
Arnica Montana
ü Threatened
abortion from falls, violent pains, soreness, feels discomfort in all
ü Threatened
abortion with profuse bleeding. Least jar is painful..Has severe backache,
headache and sensitive forcing as if all products will come out through
genitals, suddenly feels labour like pains, on and off.
ü Habitual
abortion in women of Rheumatic diathesis.
Threatened abortion with pain across
abdomen, false labour like pains, abortion at 3rd month.
ü Habitual
abortion from uterine debility, false labor pains also preventive of abortion. Severe
pain in the back and abdomen, feeble uterine contractions and scanty flow.
ü Threatened
abortions from atonic conditions, it's a remedy usually used for after effects
of Abortion like back ache after abortion. Has prolapse from atony, which is
due to indolence and luxury.
ü Abortion
at 3rd month, prevents which is with appearance of blood usually, has pains in
small of the back, going around and thru pubes, dragging pains from sacrum to
pubes, flow is bright red and clotted.
ü Prevents
miscarriage, tendency to abort btwn 5th to 7th month, has bearing down
sensation and prolapse.
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ü Indicated
for miscarriages in Early months of pregnancy, also prevents the miscarriage in
later months, Has frequent labour like pains, and haemorrhage of black fluid
blood and has desire for air.
Warning: Self medication is
not advisable – Its good to consult a Registered Homeopathy doctor before
taking medicines,
For more
details & Consultation
Contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us.
For appointment: SMS your Name -Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word -
date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini- 30 - 99xxxxxxx0 Threatened
abortion, continues abortion treatment, regular abortion – 21st Oct, Sunday - Chennai ). You will
receive Appointment details through SMS
Threatened abortion
treatment in Chennai, regular abortion treatment in Chennai, continues abortion
treatment in Chennai, recurrent abortion treatment in Chennai, karukalaipu
treatment in Chennai, அபார்சன் சிகிச்சை சென்னை, கருக்கலைதல்
சிகிச்சை சென்னை, அடிக்கடி கரு கலைதல் சிகிச்சை சென்னை,