Gonorrhoea - Specific Urethritis
is an infective condition, caused by the infection of mucous membrane, usually
that of urethra in the male, or cervix uteri, the neck of uterus, in the
female, with the organism gonococcus or Neisseria Gonorrhoea which is able to
penetrate into the cells in the undamaged mucous membranes.
gonococcus is a gram positive diplococcus. It is a strict parasite and depends
for spread upon direct transference from host to host. It spreads along mucosal
surfaces and is also able to penetrate columnar epithelium producing an
inflammatory response in the sub-mucosa. It is susceptible to environment and
is rapidly killed by drying or by weak antiseptics. It seldom survives for more
than a few hours outside the body except under conditions of artificial
Modes of infection:
intercourse is by fat the most common and important mode of infection causing
involvement of the lower genito-urinary tracts in both sexes. Infection may
also be transmitted to the rectum in the passive homo-sexual and to the conjunctival
sacs of adolescents or adults, also to those of newly-born infants by
contamination with the infected genital secretions of the mother.
accidental infection occurs in children due to poor standards of hygiene or
close contact in bed. Little girls are particularly susceptible to infection, transmitted
from their parents in this way. Spread of infection in schools and hospitals
has been reported in the past.
The organism is identified by the examination of the infected
material by smear and culture an if necessary by sugar fermentation tests. Staining
shows organisms which appear within the cytoplasm of leucocytes. Fermentation
reactions differentiate the organisms from the other Neisseria.
Signs and symptoms :
constitutional symptoms are not usually severe. The patient feels “off colour”,
and there may be a dragging pain in the loins and the perineum, associated with
constipation, with a dirty tongue and slight fever. These symptoms usually
subside within a week or so. The local symptoms vary in the male and female
patients, and so it is necessary to describe them separately as follows.
In the Male, the early symptoms are;
(1)Smarting in urethra, while urinating.
(2)Meatus is red and swollen, and urethra is usually tender on
pressure, and a small amount of pus can be squeezed out from the meatus.
(3)The purulent discharge becomes free, yellow, and thick in a day
or two.
(4)Desire for urination is frequent, but the act causes irritation.
(5)There may be haemorrhage also due to congestion.
(6)Urinary retention, due to congestion and spasm, is present. This
stage lasts for about a week and then.
(7)The discharge becomes mucoid and glairy and, in an uncomplicated
case, ceases in about six weeks to two months. This, however, does not mean
that the patient is cured, as the gonococci are still present in urethra and
complications follow a Chronic Gleet.
In Women the acute stage often escapes unnoticed, as the disease often
passes to the adjacent organs and causes widespread damage, before one is able
to detect it. The primary infection is commonly from an uncured gleet in the
husband, though occasionally, it may be acquired from the infected closet seat,
or fouled garments. It is a universal disease among prostitutes of all classes.
Early symptoms are:
(1)Slight smarting and itching of external genitals which are
red and oedematous and secrete thick yellow pus
with a peculiar foetid odour; this may also be squeezed from the urethra.
(2) In adults, the vaginal mucosa escapes infection, and its
normal pink walls are in marked contrast to the reddened vulva (cervicitis) and
the neck of the uterus (metritis).The disease, if untreated, becomes chronic
and complications set in.
(a)In Males:
(1) Chronic urethritis, due
to the gonococci being narboured in the inflamed urethral glands, is manifested
by a slight glairy urethral discharge or gleet, most noticeable on rising in
the morning, and some redness at the meatus with a certain amount of local
(2) Posterior Urethritis leads to frequent urination and a heavy
sensation in the deep perineum.
(3) Prostatitis occurs as a result of direct infection of the prostate
duct from the posterior urethra.
(4) Vesiculitis.
The seminal vesicles get inflamed and hot, and become enlarged and tender
giving rise to symptoms akin to prostatitis.
(5) Epididymitis
and Orchitis. These are characterized by sudden pains and swelling of the
epididymitis in the back part of the scrotum, and later, the testes become
somewhat swollen and tender. Slight hydrocele may also be present.
(6) Pus may be formed in the spermatic cord by
extension of gonococcus infection.
(7) Rare complications may be cystitis and
(8) Besides, pus may be conveyed to the eye, the
nose, and the rectum by contact, causing conjunctivitis, rhinitis and proctitis
(b) In
Women. The complications in females may be widespread and serious owing to
direct communication between the uterine cavity and the peritoneum. These are:-
Endo-Metritis (an
infection of the lining membrane of the
Salpinggitis (inflammation
of the fallopian tubes)
Peritonitis which is
frequently confined to the pelvis, but may become generalized and fatal.
Bartholinitis (inflammation
of Bartholin’s glands) which is common to prostitutes.
Urethritis, Cystitis and
pyelitis, to which every women infected
with gonorrhea, is exposed.
This is made by:
History of
the exposure,
Local signs
including urethral pus,
examination of pus,and
Fixation Test of the
Complications. In males prostate gland
is frequently affected, when the infection has reached the posterior urethra. Acute
prostatitis causes fever, malaise,pain and dysuria. A hot tender swelling can
be felt via the rectum. Retention of urine may occur. Chronic prostatitis may
persist for many years and become a hidden focus of infection. There is an
intermittent slight urethral discharge, or dysuria with long periods of
remission. Nodules are palpable in the prostate via the rectum. The presence of
prostatitis may be suspected by urinary symptoms, discomfort or pain in the
back, pelvis or loins; chronic types may cause arthritis.
1. Aconite and Belladonna. These are two common remedies for all inflammations in the
initial stage.
2. Chimaphila is a good remedy for
hypertrophy of prostate gland; when there is frequent urination and discomfort.
Spongia is another remedy for this condition, particularly when spermatic, cord
and testicles are swollen and red.
3. Ferrum
picricatum. It is the best remedy
for the prostatic enlargement or hypertrophy and inflammation in the aged. 3X
potency is recommended.
Cimicifuga. One doctor speaks very
highly of this remedy is prostatic hypertrophy.
5. Conium. Is also
considered suitable for all kind of enlarged glands.
Lycopodium. For enlarged prostate
and its inflammation, when there is pressure in the perineum, near the anus
while urinating.
7. Sabal Serrulate. For
prostatic troubles, both of inflammation and enlargement when the gland is hot,
swollen and painful. It is also works
well in senile cases, and prevents operation.
8. Thuja. For both hypertrophy and inflammation, when there is frequent
pressing to urinate with a small discharge and in so doing the patient strain
much and there is much discharge of prostatic fluid in the morning on waking.
(b) Orchitis:
Aconite. When there
is fever and restlessness etc.
Aurum. Chronic
cases with pain in spermatic cord and testis.
Belladonna. When the
fever there is great intolerance of pain, with sensitive of nervous system.
Clematis. (orch,
scrotum,) as a result of suppressing of gonorrhea.
Hamamelis. To be
applied locally and even given internally when there is excessive local
Mercurius biniodide. When it is due to syphilis.
Spongia. Chronic
inflammation with aching and swelling of testis and cord.
Pulsatilla. Acute
orchitis, when the discharge becomes suppressive.
Thuja. Recurrent
attack of gonorrhea with complications of orchitis; possibly with figwarts or
(C) gonorrhea:
1. Aconite. During acute stage when
the urine is hot, burning, scanty and is passed with difficulty. (ii) at this
initial stage, urethra is dry, and has a
crawling sensation; orifice is red and there is mental anxiety often. The discharge has no
2. Atropine 6X.
Has been recommended as the
best remedy for acute gonorrheal urithritis.
3. Cannabis sativa. This should be used after aconite, when the
disease has localized itself and has a purulent discharge, great burning and
pain on urinating. The penis is
red and swollen. Erection of penis is painful.
Urine is also tense and
painful. Potency selected should not be lower than 3X or 6X.
Cannabis is more useful
when there is marked painful erection.
4. Gelsemium. Good for inflammatory stage with great urethral soreness, burning
and slight discharge.
5. Cantharis. This is the best remedy, when the diseases shift from urethra
to the bladder by suppression, and there is violent persistent tenesmus during
urination. Intense sexual sexual excitement is another major symptom. There
ought to be intense irritation with persistent erections which prevent
urination. Burning in the neck of the bledder and the urethra, great dysuria,
and constant desire exist. Urine which smells a violet. Cubeba also has this
smell but this ropy discharge.
6. Sepia. Gonorrhea in women, after acute symptoms have subsided.
7. Agnus
castus. Is good when acute symptoms
have subsided. In this remedy there is no sexual desire.
Homeopathy Treatment for Gonorrhoea
homeopathy medicine treatment helps for Gonorrhoea, Its good to consult the doctor in person to
get proper treatment for gonorrhea,
Whom to contact for Gonorrhoea Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar Treats many cases of all types of Gonorrhoea, In his medical professional
experience with successful results. Many patients get relief after taking
treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at
Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please
call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com,
For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact
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