asthma is a condition in which there is variable breathlessness due to
widespread narrowing of peripheral airways which varies in severity over short
periods of time, either spontaneously or with treatment.
Causes and Origin of Development:
variable narrowing of peripheral airways is due to one or all of the following:
of bronchial smooth muscle;
Oedema of
the mucus membrane; and
Mucus within
the lumen.
constriction is a normal response to noxious stimuli, such as, cigarette smoke,
and sulphur dioxide, also to alterations in the concentration of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the lumen. These responses are either direct or mediated
reflex by the vagus nerve. Many factors seem to be responsible for the release
of these agents (mediators), amongst which are:
Allergy, and
the actual mode of release is conjectural. Other factors, for instance,
psychological (i.e. drugs) may potentiate broncho-constriction.
Ø Exercise. This frequently brings broncho-constriction in asthma,
and may be detected by simple tests.
Ø Allergy. Hypersensitivity
reaction in the bronchial wall may provoke the release of narrowing agents.
These agents are called allergens (antigens).The entry of these allergens is by
inhalation or occasionally by ingestion (e.g. of milk aspirin, etc.) Inhalation
of allergens provokes an antigen-antibody reaction and damages the cells. As a
result, persons have asthma or hay-fever, eczema as an allergic manifestation.
Ø Infection. Bacterial or viral infection may be an important factor at the
onset and in the course of asthma. The mechanism by which infection may provoke
or prolong asthma remains unknown, though allergy to bacterial protein as well
as the direct effect of inflammatory reactions in the bronchial mucosa are
Ø Psychological
Factors. Families of asthmatics have
a higher than normal incidence of neurosis and psychiatric illness, as do the
asthmatics themselves.
leading characteristic of this disease is its paroxysmal nature.
¬ The attack usually sets in the latter part or night, or early
morning, or soon after exposure to an allergic medium.
¬ Restlessness or mental depression or excitement.
¬ Sneezing or coryza.
¬ Flatulence or excessive voidance of urine.
¬ Dyspnoea and the tendency of sitting in bed with head low and
elbow on knees.
¬ Irritable unproductive cough with wheezing in chest.
¬ The patient may give a history of eczema in childhood, or
bronchitis or broncho-pneumonia. Dyspnoea, tightness in chest and wheezing are
significant symptoms.
ü Cyanosis.
ü Respirations not increased more often.
ü Resonant sounds on percussion.
ü Wheezing sounds, with copious bubbling rales under stethoscopic
ü May be emphysema.
ü Pulse often quick and feeble.
ü Systolic blood pressure lowered.
ü Jugular veins prominent.
ü Blood examination often shows presence of eosinophilia.
ü Sometimes, there is a tendency to skin eruptions (Urticaria or
eczema alternated with an asthmatic attack).
long –standing cases, the lungs become emphysematous and chronic bronchitis may
be added to, it. Ultimately the right ventricular failure may bring about the
It is
chiefly made by auscultation, which shows
short inspiration, labored expiration (prolonged), bronchi, bubbling,
and distant heart sounds.
Differential Diagnosis:
is rarely difficult, if the patient is observed during an acute attack. The
sibilant rales, the thick, tenacious mucus, and history of periodic attacked
are very characteristic. These symptoms will enable the observer to distinguish
asthma from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, cardiac asthma, anaemia, and in tropical eosinophilia, blood
examination for eosinophil count clinches the diagnosis .It is to be
distinguished from laryngeal affections by the absence of change in the voice, and from capillary
bronchitis by physical examination.
to30% cases undergo spontaneous recovery, if the disease starts in early
childhood. During adult life, the chances of spontaneous recovery are much less
marked. Asthma is a chronic disease, and
so it has marked tendency to last over a period of years, unless the causative
factors are located, and satisfactorily handled or remove from the environment
of the patient.
Treatment: General
Ø The diet should be light and small in bulk.
Ø Items of food which excite the attack should be avoided. A heavy
meal should not be taken at night.
Ø Bowels should is no case remain constipated.
Ø Exposure to drafts must be avoided.
Curative and palliative remedies:
Antim Tart:
Ø When fine mucus rales are present throughout the chest (finer
and smaller than those in Ipecac.) which is full of phlegm with inability to
expectorate this remedy will certainly work.
Ø Great dyspnoea.
Ø The patient must sit up. The attack are suffocative occasionally
at around 5 O’ clock in the morning, difficulty in raising expectoration. That
the patient cannot breathe enough air is the characteristic sensation.
Arsenicum Album:
Ø Attack after mid night.
Ø Great anguish and restlessness,
Ø Cannot lei down for fear of suffocation,
Ø Anxiety and general sweat,
Ø While being drowsy, the patient awakens with burning pain and
soreness in chest,
Ø Suits the aged, when dyspnoea is habitual and dry, and
Ø Great debility and burning in chest and is especially useful to
anaemic persons. This is a polycrest for Asthma ; follows Ipecac, very well.
Ø Great weight and anxiety about the chest,
Ø Spasmodic variety,
Ø sudden wheezing, dyspnoea, threatening suffocation,
Ø symptoms aggravated by motion.
Ø Cough courses gagging and vomiting, although the chest is full of phlegm, yet
there is no expectoration, and
Ø The extremities of covered with cold perspiration.
Kali Bichromium:
remedy is similar to Arsenicum except for the stringy yellow mucus. The attacks
come at 3 to 4 O’clock in the morning and compel the patient to sit up to
breathe. Bending forward relieves, and so does the expectoration.
who are highly sensitive, nervous or neurotic, benefit by this remedy, when
intense anxiety and nervousness predominate. Along with this anxiety, there is
intense fear and smothering sensation.
Natrum Sulph:
indications are: Worse on change from warm to damp weather, moist asthma, great deal of rattling in
chest, Bowels loss after each attack,
Presence of psycotic taint is strongly indicated, Attacks come at about
4 to 5 O’clock in the morning with cough and glairy expectoration, and the
patient must sit up and hold the chest during the attack.
Nux Vomica: When asthmatic attacks are brought on by gastric disturbance,
this is the remedy. Other indications being: simple spasmodic asthma, relief by
belching, the patient must loosen clothing, suits coffee or liquor drinkers, temperament,
bilious or irritable, and constricted feeling of lower part of chest
Lycopodium & Carbo veg. when there is much abdominal irritation along with much
flatulence, these remedies are to be thought of for the aged or the
debilitated. In both these medicines, the patient is generally oppressed for
breath and is relived by belching.
Other possible remedies are:
Apis; Blatta orientalis; Bromine;
Grinaelia; Kali Carb; Ambra;
lobelia; Silphium; Viscum Alb; Zingiber; Aconite; Hydrocyanic acid;
Bryonia; Cuprum; Drosera; Lachesis; pothus; Faetidus; Sambucus; Spongia and
Homeopathy medicines helps for Asthma. Its good to consult the doctor to get
symptomatic treatment.
Whom to contact for Asthma Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar
Treats many cases of all types of Asthma problems, In his medical professional
experience with successful results. Many patients get relief after taking
treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at
Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please
call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to,
For more
details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us
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-Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word - date and day - Place of
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