What are Vaginal Infection / Vaginitis?
- Vaginitis or vaginal infection is a medical term
used to refer a state of vagina that is not normal or healthy. It is
marked by irritation, itchiness or soreness in the vagina. Vulvovaginitis
refers to a state of vulva and vagina that complains about inflammation.
- Vagintis is caused by micro organisms like virus,
yeast or bacteria that outgrow in number to do away with the friendly
bacteria that fights them away.
- Intake of antibiotics, contraceptive pills,
douches, stress, hormonal changes, chemical, sprays, sexual intercourse
etc may cause vaginal infection.
- Vaginitis may occur due to some infectious as
well as some non-infectious causes. The infection in vagina may be caused
by one or more kind of bacteria, yeast or protozoa.
- The cause is many and thereby the diagnosis is
difficult. Some of these are sexually transmitted. It’s easy to get rid of
the infection in some cases while in others it gets extremely difficult.
- It’s very essential to get oneself properly
examined as to find out the kind of infection as well as the medication
thereby. One should not adhere some home remedies and rely on self
What is vaginal health?
Vaginal infection occurs when the self defense
mechanism of the vagina gets disturbed. Certain kind of “friendly” bacteria are
found inside the vagina. These are quite helpful in preventing vaginal
infection. They produce some acids that control the growth of other harmful
bacteria. This state can be stated as a healthy vagina. Vaginal infection
occurs when this balance breaks
A healthy vagina produces some discharge that is clear
or translucent and odorless. There occurs no itchiness or soreness.
What is abnormal Vaginal Discharge?
Vaginal discharge is normal for women who are of
reproductive age. Although the amount of discharge changes as so does the
consistency. Some may feel some discharge at the time of sexual intercourse or
maybe even a kiss. But this is normal. The amount and color of discharge change
with menstrual cycles, pregnancy and sexual intercourse.
A normal discharge is odorless, translucent and non
itchy and non- irritating. But a discharge that is yellowish or grey is
abnormal. Abnormal discharge is also accompanied with foul fishy smell. Such a
discharge may also cause irritation, itching as well as burning sensation.
Causes of vaginal infection / vaginitis:
¬ Douching:
Douche kills the friendly bacteria,
present in the vagina, that immunes the body against vaginal infection.
¬ Improper hygiene:
If proper care is not taken to keep
vaginal area clean and dry, infections occur. Moisture accelerates the growth
of yeasts.
¬ Improper washing after bowel movement:
Washing should be directed from the
front to the back while cleaning the body after bowel movement. This way
bacteria like E.colli can be prevented from being transported to the vagina
from the rectum.
¬ Tight clothing:
Tight clothing restricts breath-ability
and the vaginal skin remains moist with sweat and lack of proper air
¬ Non- cotton panties:
Non cotton panties retain heat and
moisture for longer hours and promote the growth of microorganisms.
¬ Hot/humid climate:
Hot and humid climate breeds more
infection. The condition is apt for microorganisms to thrive.
¬ Increased pH:
Increased pH in the vagina means reduced
acidity which in turn means decrease in the number of friendly bacteria that
live in the vagina to preserve immunity.
This occurs mainly during pregnancy and
also before and after having menstrual cycle due to change in the level of
¬ Decrease in estrogen level:
Post menopausal women show decrease in
level of estrogen. This causes thinning and drying of vaginal tissues.
¬ Use of perfumed toilet papers, tampons,
pads etc:
These may also cause vaginal infection.
¬ Presence of a foreign body inside the
A tampon, especially a forgotten one,
may cause growth of bacteria.
¬ Unprotected sexual activity:
This may cause sexually transmitted
vaginal infection.
Symptoms of Vaginal Infection /
- Some commonly observed symptoms of vaginal infection
- Abnormal discharge characterized by foul odor as
well as abnormal color and thickness.
- Frequent and painful urination. Some may suffer
from either or both of these.
- Itching around the vaginal area.
- Soreness and redness of the vagina and vulva.
- Painful sexual intercourse.
Proper diagnosis:
- This is the key to proper treatment of any
disease or infection. And in the case of vaginal infection, it is no less
important. Diagnosis of this is not easy, even for an experienced doctor,
as the same symptom may occur for different kind of infections.
- Many a times the infection may occur due to more
than one cause. This makes diagnosis more difficult.
- A proper inspection into the color, smell as well
as amount of the discharge may also be beneficial.
Method of diagnosis:
- A sample of urine may be sent to the laboratory
for diagnosis of the nature if vaginal infection.
- A trained nurse or a doctor may look inside the
vagina and take a smear test with the help of a speculum.
- The doctor may examine the skin around your
vagina and also the lining inside the vagina.
- A small section of cells from the vagina may also
be taken for laboratory tests.
How to prevent vaginitis / vaginal
- Prevention is always better than cure. Women are
prone to vaginal infection at some or the other point in their life. Here
are a few ways by which one can prevent vaginitis:
- Try to wear cotton panties that are easy to wash
and quick to dry types. Avoid wearing fabrics that hold moisture and
retain heat. You may wear panties fancy panties that have cotton panels
inside. Avoid wearing nylon panties.
- Maintain good hygiene. Wash your panties daily
and dry them in light sun to sterilize them.
- Eat a balanced diet and introduce yoghurt in your
eating habits. Yoghurt is known to prevent vaginal infection.
- Avoid douching as it may also clean the friendly
bacteria that immune your body against vaginal infection and use of
perfumed soaps, tampons, pads or vaginal sprays.
- Inculcate safe sexual habits. Use condoms for a
healthier life. Wash the vagina before and after having sex and pat it
Infection / Vaginitis Homeopathy Treatment
Symptomatic Homeopathy works well for Hepatitis, So its
good to consult a experienced Homeopathy physician without any hesitation.
Whom to contact for Vaginal Infection / Vaginitis Treatment
Kumar Treats many cases of Vaginal Infection / Vaginitis, In his medical
professional experience with successful results. Many patients get relief after
taking treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai
at Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment
please call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com,
more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
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Panruti:- 9443054168
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