Emergency Treatment:
- Seek immediate medical attention for severe bleeding, cuts that are more than skin deep, cuts with ragged edges, cuts with deeply embedded dirt, impaled objects, or amputations. Call for Ambulance or Emergency Medical Service
Until medical assistance is available: - Control bleeding with direct pressure:

- Cover wound with sterile dressing or clean cloth, diaper, or sanitary napkin.
- Place your gloved hand over dressing, and press firmly.
- Continue pressure until bleeding stops.
- DO NOT remove dressing. If soaked through, add more material, and continue pressure.
- If no broken bone suspected, elevate wound higher than level of heart. DO NOT move limb if you think it is broken.
Elevate area above the heart if it does not appear broken. |
- For wounds on arms, press on brachial artery: Use your fingers to apply pressure to inner side of victim's upper arm, between elbow and shoulder, in groove between muscles.
- For wounds on legs, press on femoral artery in groin: Use heel of hand to apply pressure at middle of crease where thigh meets groin.
- Release pressure point as soon as bleeding stops.
- Once bleeding is controlled, secure original dressings with bandage.
- Observe for shock
- To Recover Amputated Part: Wrap amputated part with dry gauze; DO NOT immerse in water or other liquid. Put wrapped appendage in sealed plastic bag or container. Place bag or container atop bed of ice -- DO NOT submerge. Send with victim, or transport immediately to emergency room.
Causes: Can occur after direct blow or crushing injury to chest, abdomen, or torso or can result from disease-related damage to an internal organ, as in a bleeding ulcer
Symptoms: Bright red blood coughed up; bright or dark red blood in vomit; vomit that looks like coffee grounds; bright red blood or dark tar-like substance in feces; rigid, swollen, or bruised abdomen; weak, rapid, irregular breathing
- Check victim's breathing. If breathing stops,
- Seek medical assistance immediately. Call for EMS.
Until Ambulance or Emergency Medical Service arrives: - Keep victim lying down on their side or sitting up if more comfortable for victim, and cover lightly with blanket.
- Observe for shock
- DO NOT give food or drink.