is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. There are
more than 100 different types of arthritis, all of which have different causes
and treatment methods.
is most commonly seen in adults over the age of 65 but it can also develop in
children and teens. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, arthritis is more common in women than men and in those that are
Types of arthritis:
arthritis - such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout
¬ Redness
¬ Joint swelling
¬ Joint pain
¬ Joint stiffness
¬ Loss of joint function
only a few of these symptoms are present.
may also be associated with general "flu"-like symptoms including:
Ø Fever
Ø Chills
Ø Fatigue/loss of energy
Ø Headaches
Ø Loss of appetite
Ø Muscle stiffness
Degenerative or mechanical arthritis:
Joint Disease is a non-infectious, progressive disorder of the weight bearing
joints. The normal articular joint cartilage is smooth, white and translucent.
It is composed of cartilage cells imbedded in a sponge-like middle, or matrix,
made of collagen, protein polysaccharides and water. With early, primary
degenerative arthritis, the cartilage becomes yellow and opaque with localized areas
of softening and roughening of the surfaces.
ü The main symptom is pain, causing loss of ability and often
stiffness. "Pain" is generally described as a sharp ache or a burning
sensation in the associated muscles and tendons. Degenerative Joint can cause a
crackling noise when the affected joint is moved or touched and people may
experience muscle spasms and contractions in the tendons. Occasionally, the
joints may also be filled with fluid. Some people report increased pain
associated with cold temperature, high humidity, and/or a drop in barometric
pressure, but studies have had mixed results.
Soft tissue musculo skeletal pain:
pain affects the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. It can be
acute or chronic. Musculoskeletal pain can be localized in one area, or
back pain is the most common type of musculoskeletal pain. Other common types
include tendonitis, myalgia, and stress fractures.
Ø Localized or widespread pain that can worsen with movement
Ø Aching or stiffness of the entire body
Ø The feeling that your muscles have been pulled or overworked
Ø Fatigue
Ø Sleep disturbances
Ø Twitching muscles
Ø The sensation of "burning" in your muscles
Back pain:
pain is pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles, nerves,
bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
Ø Upper, Middle, and Low Back Pain Symptoms
Ø Get the facts on the aches and pains that signal back problems.
Low Back Strain:
of the main causes of back pain, whether acute or chronic, is low back strain.
Nighttime Back Pain
back pain is a special type of lower back pain that could indicate a serious
problem with your spain.
Connective tissue disease - such as
lupus, sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome
disorders often involve the joints, muscles, and skin, but they can also
involve other organs and organ systems including the eyes, heart, lungs,
kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and blood vessels.
Ø General feeling of being unwell. This malaise may be accompanied
by increased fatigue and a mild fever.
Ø Cold and numb fingers or toes. In response to cold or stress,
your fingers or toes might turn white and then purplish blue. After warming,
the fingers or toes turn red.
Ø Swollen fingers or hands. Some people experience swelling to the point
where the fingers resemble sausages.
Ø Muscle and joint pain. Joints may become deformed, similar to
what occurs with rheumatoid arthritis.
Ø Rash, Red or reddish brown patches may appear over the knuckles.
Infectious arthritis:
arthritis is an intensely painful infection in a joint. The joint can become
infected with germs that travel through your bloodstream from another part of
your body.
Ø Chills
Ø Fatigue and generalized weakness
Ø Fever
Ø Inability to move the limb with the infected joint
Ø Severe pain in the affected joint, especially with movement
Ø Swelling
Ø Warmth
Metabolic arthritis:
arthritis is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This acid
crystallizes and the crystals deposit in the joints. Eventually, this causes
sudden attacks of excruciating pain, redness, and swelling.
Ø Intense pain
Ø Heat and swelling around the joint
Ø A feeling of the skin stretching or tearing
Ø Pressure around the affected area
Ø The pain may be so unbearable that not even the weight of a
blanket or sheet can be tolerated on the affected area.
treatment helps for Arthritis.
Whom to contact for Arthritis Treatment
clinic Homeopathy Specialist doctor Treats many cases of all types of Arthritis In his experience with successful
results. Many patients get relief after taking treatment from our clinic. Doctor visits Chennai at Vivekanantha
Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please call
9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to,
For more details & Consultation
Contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers
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Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
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date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini - 99xxxxxxx0 – Arthritis – 21st
Oct, Sunday - Chennai ), You will receive Appointment details through SMS