Question: Respected doctor, am 33 years old man,
my wife is 28 yrs old, married since four year, regularly am having sex with my wife, some time am getting
poor erection, some times before penetrating in to vagina semen comes out, I have
masturbation habits before marriage. On that time I do masturbate weekly 5 to
10 times, my wife having menses problems, her period is irregular, she is obese
also, I need a baby. But still my wife
is not get pregnant , underwent many
Treatment but no effect, Doctors told its due to infertility issues, how infertility
issues happens? Is there is any treatment in Homeopathy system of medicines for
Doctor Answer: Dear sir, No worries, Homeopathy
treatment helps for you, please find the complete details about Infertility
below. Proper treatment helps you; you need to consult the doctor in person to
rule out your doubts.
(For Male
and Female)
Infertility primarily refers to the
biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception.
Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a
pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some
which may be bypassed with medical intervention.
Women who are fertile experience a
natural period of fertility before and during ovulation, and they are naturally
infertile during the rest of the menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods
are used to discern when these changes occur by tracking changes in cervical
mucus or basal body temperature.
Why you may
have trouble Conceiving
Although getting pregnant may seem
like the easiest thing in the world, it is actually not so for many
people. There are several reasons for this, and any one or more of the
following may be applicable.
planning (advanced age)
The trend today is for women to
complete their education and establish their careers before they think of
settling down and starting a family. However, for a woman over the age of 35,
conceiving becomes a problem. Infertility increases with age. Fertility peaks
for both sexes in their mid-twenties and then appears to decline steadily in
women over thirty and men over forty. Tubal infections, fibroid tumours and
endometriosis are more common in older women and are a common cause for
drinking, smoking, drug use
Research has shown that the excessive
consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine,
heroin and crack, by a potential father prior to pregnancy can be the cause of
infertility. Illicit drugs can also reduce the sperm count, damage the sperm,
reduce testosterone levels, and change testicular functioning. (These are
generally ejaculated with the sperm.) Heavy drinking can affect a woman's
menstrual cycle as well. Note however, that as long as drinking, smoking and
drug use have been curtailed before getting pregnant, prior use seems to pose
almost no risk to the baby.
Ovulation is a pre-requisite for
getting pregnant. In women with regular menstrual cycles of 28-35 days,
ovulation takes place once every cycle. However, many women have erratic
menstrual cycles (often getting periods 3-4 times a year or even less).
This means that they have fewer chances of getting pregnant not only because
they have fewer possible fertile periods, but also because they may not be
ovulating in every cycle. (Note that ovulation does not necessarily take
place in every menstrual cycle).
Low sperm
count (for males)
The normal sperm count ranges from 20
million to 100 million sperm per cubic centimetre. Counts below 20 million may
be a cause for difficulty in conception. Factors such as fatigue, excessive
alcohol, smoking or other drug abuse, prostate gland infection, poor diet, or
occupational exposure to chemicals can cause a small, temporary decrease in the
sperm count. Varicose is a condition when there are varicose veins on the scrotum.
This is another cause for infertility and can only be corrected through
Many women are born with their
uteruses facing backward (retroverted) instead of forward. This condition
can be diagnosed either by your gynaecologist, or through an ultrasound.
One simple way to compensate for this problem of a retroverted uterus is for
the woman to lie on her stomach after intercourse. (Women with regular
uteruses who are planning to get pregnant are asked to lie on their backs and
lift their legs from their hips after sex in order to improve the chances of
fertilization). If retroverted uterus is the only problem, then in most
cases the woman will conceive. However, if she still does not get
pregnant, then the doctor may advise surgery.
Cysts are formed when the follicle
fails to rupture at the time of ovulation and begins to grow instead. This
condition occurs due to hormonal imbalance and is marked by absent or
infrequent menstruation. Women having this condition have a chronic tendency to
have their periods at intervals ranging from every six weeks to six months.
Conception becomes difficult due to irregular ovulation.
Very often, you may simply be mistiming your intercourse.
In order for you to get pregnant, it is essential for you to have sex during
your fertile days. It could also be possible that you may be trying too often
in a particular cycle, and thereby causing a reduction in sperm count.
Do you have an Infertility Problem?
most couples get married they expect to have their own babies. Many naively
expect they will get pregnant the very first month they try - and are concerned
when a pregnancy does not occur. All of us go through a brief interlude of
doubt and concern when we do not achieve pregnancy the very first month we try
- and we start wondering about our fertility.
Only a 25% chance!
worrying, remember that in a single menstrual cycle, the chance of a perfectly
normal couple achieving a successful pregnancy is only about 25%, even if they
have sex every single day. This is called their fecundity, which describes
their fertility potential. Humans are not very efficient at producing babies!
There are many reasons for this, including the fact that some eggs don't
fertilize and some of the fertilized eggs don't grow well in the early
developmental stage.
pregnant is a game of odds - it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette and it's
impossible to predict when an individual couple will get pregnant! However,
over a period of a year, the chance of a successful pregnancy is between 80 and
90%; so that 7 out of 8 couples will be pregnant within a year. These are the
normal "fertile" couples - and the rest are "labelled” infertile
- the medical text book definition of infertility being the inability to
conceive even after trying for a year. Couples, who have never had a child, are
said to have "primary infertility,” those who have become pregnant at
least once but are unable to conceive again, are said to have "secondary
Factors that determine fertility
chances of pregnancy for a couple in a given cycle will depend upon many
things, and the most important of these are:
age of the woman. At the biologic clock ticks on, the number of eggs and their
quality starts decreasing.
of intercourse. While there is no "normal" frequency for sex, the
"optimal" frequency of intercourse if you are trying to get pregnant
is about 3 times a week in the fertile period. Simply stated, the more sex the
better! Couples, who have intercourse less frequently, have a diminished chance
of conceiving.
time" - that is, how long the couple have been trying to get pregnant.
This is an important concept. The longer a couple has been trying to conceive
without success, the lesser their chances of getting pregnant without medical
presence of fertility problems.
What happens when a couple has a fertility
chances of their getting pregnant depend upon a number of variables multiplied
together. Consider a couple where both the husband and wife have a condition
that impairs their fertility. For example, the husband's fertility, based on a
reduced sperm count is 50 percent of normal values. His wife ovulates only in
50 percent of cycles; and one of her fallopian tubes is blocked. With three
relative infertility factors, their chance of conception is 0.5 (sperm count) X
0.5 (ovulation factor) X 0.5 (Tubal factor) = 0.125, or 12.5 percent of normal.
Since the chance of conception in normal fertile couples is only 25% in any one
cycle, the probability of pregnancy in any given month for this couple without
treatment is only 3 percent (0.125 X 25 = 0.03125)! Even if they kept on trying
for 5 years, their chance of conceiving on their own would be 60% only. Thus,
infertility problems multiply together and magnify the odds against a couple
achieving a pregnancy.
is why it is important to correct or improve each partner's contributing
infertility factors as much as possible in order to maximize the chances of
infertile couples had 300 years in which to breed, most wives would get
pregnant without any treatment at all! Of course, time is at a premium, so the
odds need to be improved - and this is where medical treatment comes in.
Causes of Male
What are the indications for male infertility
show that in at least 40% of infertile couples, there is a male factor
contributing to the problem. Male fertility screening is done through semen
analysis. The general rule is that the lower the sperm count and the poorer the
sperm quality, the longer it will take and the more difficult it may be for a
pregnancy to occur. However, even men with very low sperm counts may eventually
be successful in causing a pregnancy. The sperm count only needs to be high
enough for that one time that ovulation occurs, in order for a pregnancy to be
What are the major factors affecting sperm production
is the term used to describe the condition when the sperm count is low. If
there are no sperm at all in the semen sample, the condition is termed
azoospermia. In such cases, the clinic will wish to see your husband to take a
more detailed history and to examine him. In his history, specific
questions will be asked about any past condition that may have affected the
testicles. For instance, he will have to answer queries regarding whether he
has had any operations in the groin area or for undescended testicles in
childhood. The specialist will also ask questions to determine whether there
has been any major injury or infection in the genital area.
semen can be a cause of infertility. Earlier, it was believed that mumps could
cause sterility in men. However, it is now known that even when the testicles
are involved in mumps orchitis (very painful swelling of the testicles); it is
extremely rare for this to lead to sterility.
What other factors affect
sperm production
- Heat can have a detrimental
effect on normal sperm production. It is for this reason that nature has
placed the testicles outside the body in the scrotum rather than in the
abdomen like the ovaries. Some infertile men soak themselves in a bathtub
full of scalding water and emerge looking like lobsters. This can almost
stop sperm production completely. Obese men can also become sterile
because the sagging layers of fat can overheat the testicles. Men whose
jobs involve long hours of sitting, e.g. long distance lorry-drivers may
have infertility due to the increased heat to the genital area.
- Very frequent intercourse can
lead to the demand exceeding the supply. There are quite a number of
infertile men whose sex drive is such that they must ejaculate 2-3 times a
day. This explodes the myth that links infertility to lack of virility. It
can be extremely difficult for these men to reduce their ejaculation rate
to every 48 hours.
- Smoking over 20 cigarettes a
day has been shown to reduce both the sperm count and the sperm motility
to quite a major degree.
- Excessive alcohol intake will
lead to infertility mainly because a man loses both the inclination and
the ability to rise to the occasion! Alcohol can also lower the production
of sperm and of the male hormone testosterone.
- The workaholic husband can
find that fatigue can have similar effects on his interest in intercourse
as excessive alcohol intake.
What problems can be identified during examination
infertile man must be carefully examined. The examination of the external
genitalia in the male rarely shows anything out of the ordinary. However,
sometimes one or both testicles are very small or rarely may even be absent.
Additionally there may be congenital absence of each vas deferens, the ducts
through which sperm pass from the testicles to the female at intercourse.
factors which may contribute to lowered fertility, and which can be identified
on examination include:
- Varicocele is a term used to
describe a condition where there are varicose veins around the testicle
and vas deferens. In the case of varicoceles, there is an increase in the
blood flow and temperature around the testicle. Even a small varicocele
may be significant and affect sperm production.
- The presence of excessive
fluid around the testicle is known as a hydrocele.
- There can occasionally be
anatomical defects in the development of the penis. Consequently, during
intercourse and ejaculation the sperm cannot be deposited within the
vagina very easily. Retrograde ejaculation is a rare condition when some
men ejaculate backwards into the bladder. This could be the result of earlier
surgery to the urethra (the outflow tube from the bladder).
- A rectal examination can help
determine whether the prostate gland may be a source of chronic infection.
Various Male Fertility Disorders
Azoospermia characterized by the
absence of sperm is either due to an obstruction in the outflow system from the
testicle, in the epididymis or vas deferens, or due to a failure in sperm
production (spermatogenesis). If a biopsy of the testicle showed that
spermatogenesis was normal, this would then indicate that an obstruction was
the cause of his azoospermia. Vasograms, which are X-rays of the vas deferens
can then be performed to identify the location of the obstruction.
Presence of Antibodies
Sometimes, a semen sample when seen
under a microscope, will show sperm clumping. This may indicate the presence of
sperm antibodies that are causing the sperm to stick together. A blood sample
can be tested for the presence of agglutinating and other sperm inhibiting
Klinefelter's Syndrome
Very small testicles may be the
manifestation of Klinefelter's Syndrome. This is caused by a chromosomal
aberration. Thus, a chromosome investigation will show the presence of an extra
X (female) chromosome.
Hormone Disorders
Hormone disorders are rare causes of
male infertility, but it may sometimes be helpful to check his F.S.H., L.H.,
testosterone (male hormone), prolactin and thyroid hormone levels.
Bacterial Infection
The existence of an excessive amount
of white blood cells in the semen sample may indicate that an infection may be
reducing the ability of the sperm to fertilise an egg. The semen sample should
then be cultured to determine the type of infecting bacterial organism.
Symptomatic homoeopathic medicines works well for Infertility,
Homoeopathic medicines acts well without any side effects. Regular course of
treatment is helpful for Infertility
Whom to contact for Infertility Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar Treats many cases of
Infertility, In his medical professional experience with successful results.
Many patients get relief after taking treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar.
Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery,
Chennai 42. To get appointment please call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail
For more details & Consultation Feel
free to contact us.
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appointment: SMS your Name -Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word -
date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini – 30 - 99xxxxxxx0 – Infertility,
not get pregnant, sexual
impotency, nervous weakness, masturbation, low libido,
sterility, ஆண்மை குறைவு, நரம்பு தளர்சி, கை பழக்கம், குழந்தையின்மை, உடலுறவில் ஈடுபாடு குறைவு, 21st Oct,
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