Trigeminal neuralgia is a neuropathic condition which is
characterised by recurrent episodes of pain in face. The pain originates from
the 5th cranial nerve called the Trigeminal nerve. It is also known as “Prosopalgia”
or “Suicide Disease” or “Fothergill’s Disease”. This condition is considered to
be one of the most painful conditions. It may be unilateral or bilateral.
Sometimes it is associated with unilateral spasm of facial muscles; such a
condition is named as “Tic Douloureux”.
neuralgia is seen in 1 among every 15000-20000 people. It is more common in
females than in males. The symptoms are mostly seen in the persons over the age
of 50years but it can be seen in children also.
trigeminal neuralgia repeated attack of intense pain occur in certain areas of
face which last upto seconds or few minutes or sometimes few hours. The
episodes of pain may occur as frequent as 100s times a day. In some sufferers
the pain episode are with intermittent remissions of few months. Some cases
show muscle spasm in unilateral facial muscles along with pain.
The trigger
point of pain is an hypersensitive area on face which is stimulated by weak
factors even slightest touch or air current or some daily activity like
talking, shaving, brushing teeth, chewing food or some loud noise. These factors aggravate the condition.
TN is
considered as one of the most painful conditions. Type of pain sensation varies
from person to person. The feeling is described as “Electric Shock”, burning,
stabbing, pressing, crushing or exploding etc.
In about
10-12% cases problem is bilateral. But pain is not felt on both side of face at
the same time. Because both the right & left trigeminal nerves are separate
so, one nerve don’t affect the contralateral facial areas. Bilateral
involvement indicates that both the nerves are affected.
progression the frequency and severity of pain episodes worsen. Pain spreads
through branches of nerve. Some people also felt the pain in Index finger.
Several studies and research work has been done to find out the cause
of trigeminal neuralgia and there are many theories regarding the cause behind
this pain syndrome. Previous research workers thought that this pain is caused
due to the compression of trigeminal nerve at the site of opening where it
emerges from skull. Compression is due to several causes such as a tumour,
aracnoid cyst, any venous loop or aneurysm, and sometimes it may be a plaque of
Multiple Sclerosis.
newer studies reveal that any enlarged blood vessel of brain probably the
superior cerebellar artery compresses the trigeminal nerve near its connection
with pons. This persistent compression damages the myelin sheath of nerve
making it hyper sensitive. Thus severe pain attacks occur in trigeminal Never
distribution areas due to any weak stimulus. Also the ability of nerve to shut
off the pain sensation is diminished & pain is felt even after the stimulus
is removed.
other causes of trigeminal neuralgia are Trauma to the nerve due to any
accident or Chronic entrapment in peripheral NS, some other conditions like MS,
any expanding neural lesion or Some Brain stem disease. Each of these condition
lead to demyelination of trigeminal nerve which alters the nerve function
making it hyper sensitive.
some cases TM is of idiopathic origin.
Diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia [TN]
worsens with time and in old cases recovery is very difficult to get. So it
should be diagnosed as early as possible. Like many other diseases there are no
methods like physical tests or laboratory methods for accurate diagnosis of TN.
Therefore it is frequently misdiagnosed.
dentists misdiagnose TN as Temporomandibular disorder or Masticatory pain,
which are of somatic origin rather than neural origin. Therefore other similar
conditions should be ruled out by proper diagnosis before starting the
Medical Management
Modern medicine helps to manage the pain temporarily
Surgical Management
The outcome of surgery is generally not good in TN. therefore
it is not recommended often. But when medicines are not effective, surgery is
Physiotherapy is mainly concerned for pain management in
TN. It uses a specialized technique called as “Pain Shield” which can replace
the medicines and surgical treatment. It uses Therapeutic Ultrasound with a
unique frequency & intensity that allows prolong treatment sessions about
6hours daily. The Treatment can be done during overnight sleep. It is very
effective in pain management and helps in nerve recovery. It slowly reduces the
drug doses & finally the adverse effect of drugs is eliminated.
The Pain
Shield patch is applied on a bony surface in the face which allows the ultrasound
waves to travel across the entire skull and reach the root of the trigeminal
nerve to promote healing of nerve origin. Patients must be undergo this
procedure with helps of expert Physiotherapist
Dr.Bandana Bose. MPT
Senior Physiotherapist