- To self
- Bystander
- Casualty
will be either conscious or unconscious.
- Shout out - if casualty replies it proves the casualty is breathing.
- Approach carefully
- Confirm if casualty can hear by asking his name and what happened.
- Examine softly
- Check for bleeding, shock and poisoning. Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure with bandages or clothing.
- Keep the casualty lying down
- Keep casualty warm and relaxed.
make possible life saving First Aid.
- Shout out - If casualty does not reply, approach carefully
- Shout loudly and shake the casualty, check if he responds
- If unconscious, turn the causality on side to clear and open airway
- Place casualty's far arm at right angle to the body
- Place the arm on your side across the chest
- Bend the knee on your side up
- Support the head and neck and roll the casualty away from you.
- Keep the casualty in this position and check their airway and breathing.
- Support the casualty in the side position and tilt the head back and a little downward.
- Open the mouth and clear foreign objects (e.g. broken teeth, food or vomit)
- Place one hand high on the casualty's forehead to provide support
- Support the chin with the other hand
- Tilt the head backwards slightly
- Lift the jaw and open the casualty's mouth slightly
- Check for breathing. Look, feel and listen.
- If the casualty is breathing, leave them in the Lateral (sideward) position.
- Monitor and manage shock, bleeding and any other injuries
- If the casualty is not breathing, support the head and neck, then roll onto their back and give 5 full breaths in 10 seconds.
- Mouth-to-mouth
- Mouth-to-nose
- Mouth-to-mask
- Turn the casualty onto his back
- Tilt the head back slightly and lift the jaw forward.
- Pinch the casualty’s nostrils with thumb and finger to seal the nose.
- Take a deep breath and breathe into the casualty's mouth.
- Remove lips. Allow chest to fall. Turn your head to the side to check if the chest is rising and falling after each inflation
- If chest does not rise, check the angle of the head then check the airway. If the stomach rises, decrease the amount of breath.
- Give 5 full breaths in 10 seconds, then check the carotid (neck) pulse
- If pulse is present, commence EAR at the rate of 15 breaths per minute.
- Tilt the casualty's head back
- Close the casualty's mouth.
- Take a deep breath and breathe into the casualty's nose.
- Take your mouth away and open the casualty's mouth
- Give 5 full breaths in 10 seconds
- Check the carotid (neck) pulse. If pulse is present, commence EAR at the rate of 15 breaths per minute.
Check if the casualty has a pulse.
minute intervals. Failure to do so may result in brain damage and lead to death.
- After 5 full breaths, check pulse. If no pulse is present commence CPR immediately.
- Position the hands on the Compression point
- Exert pressure using the heel of the lower hand
- Depress the Sternum about 4-5 centimetres
- Give equal time from compression and relaxation
- Give 15 compressions in 10-12 seconds. 2 breaths in 3-4 seconds. 4 cycles per minute.
- Only use two fingers over the lower half of the breastbone
- Do not tilt head backwards
- Jut give small puffs, not full breaths as for adults
- EAR rate 20 breaths per minute
- 1 breath in 5 seconds
- Compression depth is one third depth of the chest
- Use the heel of one hand only
- Give only half a breath
- Ratios & Rates are the same as for a 1 year old child
- Compression depth is one third depth of the chest