Female Sexual dysfunction
is an age-related, progressive and highly prevalent problem affecting nearly 30-50 percent of women globally.Sexual activity incorporates interpersonal relationships, each partner bringing unique attitudes, needs and responses into the coupling. A breakdown in any of these areas may lead to sexual dysfunction.
The American Psychological Association (APA) classifies female sexual problems as -
a. Mental disorders - loss of sexual desire or arousal,
b. Discomfort during intercourse,
c. Diminished blood flow to the vagina,
d. Trauma-related aversion to sex,
e. Inability to achieve orgasm.
What are the causes of sexual dysfunction ?
The causes of female sexual dysfunction are poorly defined. The reason for this is perhaps because sexual intercourse or stimulation is an act that involves many systems to function in harmony for it to reach the stage of orgasm.
To simplify its understanding it is best divided depending on the system that predominates in the dysfunction. Sometimes there may be multiple factors leading to the dysfunction Below are few of the causes that can case sexual dysfunction.
The most common are listed first.
Depression - an unhappy relationship or abuse (now or in the past) can also cause sexual problems.
Emotional problems; distraction Illness
Negative body perception Stress- the stresses of everyday life can affect your ability to have sex.
Being tired from a busy job or caring for young children may make you feel less desire to have sex.
You may have less sexual desire during pregnancy, right after childbirth or when you are breast-feeding.
After menopause many women feel less sexual desire, have vaginal dryness or have pain during sex.
What are the diagnostic Tests that might be done?
These are not undertaken commonly. However more recently a few investigations are available.
1. Vagnial pH testing
2. Vaginal photoplethysmography
1) Vagnial pH testingIt is commonly performed by gynecologists and urologists to detect bacteria-causing vaginitis.A probe is inserted into the vagina which takes the reading.Decreasing hormone levels and diminished vaginal secretion associated with menopause cause a rise in pH (over 5), which is easily detected with the test
.2) Vaginal photoplethysmographyIt is used to measure Vaginal blood flow and engorgement (pooling and swelling of vaginal tissue)For the procedure an acrylic tampon-shaped instrument inserted in the vagina and it uses reflected light to sense flow and temperature.
3) BiothesiometerA small cylindrical instrument, may be used to assess the sensitivity of the clitoris and labia to pressure and temperature.
What are the treatment options available?
There are three primary types of treatment for female sexual dysfunction: When blood flow, hormone levels, and sexual anatomy are normal - Education on female anatomy, arousal and response can help; When there is hormonal dysfunction (especially in post menopausal women) - homoeopathic medicines can be considered and is found to be helpful.
if you have any one of these problem?
contact us for treatment and guidance
For Direct Consultation & Sex Therapy
Please Visit
Vivekanantha Homoeo Clinic & Psychological Counselling Center
No.8.Rajaji Salai,
Cuddalore district,
Monday to Saturday
10.30 am to 12.45 pm & 05.30 pm to 9.00 pm
For Appointment
Please call: 09443054168, 09786901830
(Sunday Consultation by Appointment only)
Chennai Camp
(Consultation by Appointment only)
Every Sunday 11.00 am to 02.00 pm
Sri Chakra Flats
No.54-F3 vijaya nagar 3rd Main road
For Appointment
Please call: 09443054168, 09786901830
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Send mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com
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